Firstly, please pray for Rev. Father Thaddeus. It is due to his work that this work has been derived. Mary as the New Eve is revealed through types for Mary in the old Testament, Marian Typology. While preparing to teach a course on The Blessed Mother in Art, I began discerning how to teach the Ancient World. Mary wasn’t born yet! I couldn’t to leave a gap in our lesson. Truth is eternal and there is always evidence for it.

Mary Statue with text Marian Typology Mary as the New Eve

In my search I came upon the book Mary Foreshadowed, and knew this was where to begin. I opened the course with the Old Testament. We studied how Mary was truly foreshadowed by God before her birth. This time was so beautiful for me, I decided to keep the conversation going, and in a way that would hopefully benefit my own children in their love for Mary as they grow. Mary Foreshadowed is the basis of this work, and the inspiration for my Marian Typology collection of children’s illustrations. I hope you will read it and find as much wonder in it as I am finding!

What is Marian Typology in the Old Testament?

Typology in general, is a continuation of the Old Testament into the New Testament. Someone from the Old Testament is perfected in the New Testament. Marian Typology focuses on looking at Mary foretold  throughout the Old Testament . This prepares our hearts for her “fiat” and her Son in the New Testament!  Simply put, Marian Typology shows Our Lady prefigured in the Old Testament. I am FAR from an expert on typology or Marian typology, but I do find it absolutely beautiful and very much enjoyable.

Who or What is the first type for Mary?

This first work begins “In the beginning”, with a focus on Eve as a type for Mary. The first type for Mary in the Old Testament is none other than the first mother of us all, Eve! When God gifts Eve to Adam, Adam calls his wife Eve, which means mother of all the living. Adam is the first man who is a type for Christ, so it is very fitting that his wife, the first woman, would be a type for the Blessed Mother. 

There are no women in all of history that can better fit the word “mother” then Eve, except for Mary. Mary prefects this role of Mother. As God made Eve straight from His Hand, He too made Mary, preserving her from original sin, straight from His Hand. Amazingly, both women are created totally pure. Eve walked with God in the garden. Mary is immaculately conceived.

When God says I will put enmity between you and the woman and she will crush your head, Eve does this by penance for her sins, but Mary does this with her Fiat and by never sinning. The will of Mary is completely in perfect union with God’s. Ultimately, Mary receives Eves name, the name Mother of the Living, because she is the Mother of Christ, who is the source of all life. Whereas Eve abandoned that name Adam gave her when she brought sin and death into the world through her disobedience to the will of God. 

Other Ways Mary is shown as The New Eve –

Life comes from God alone. Anyone who is not in Him is dead. Scripture says they are like a branch that is cut from the vine. Jesus gives us Mary as our Mother from the cross when he tells His beloved disciple John, to “Behold thy mother”. In Mary foreshadowed, we read that in the Gospel it does not say John took her, but that “the disciple” took her. That is, anyone who is a follower of Christ, a disciple, anyone who has life, has Mary as their mother. What a gift our faith is!

From the Ave Maris Stella, which dates as far back as the 9th century,  we read “Taking that sweet Ave Which from Gabriel came, Peace confirm within us, Changing Eva’s name.”. Mary is the New Eve. Eve has sinned against God and brought death upon her children. Through the Mercy of Christ, all who believe in Him gain for themselves the Ever Sinless Virgin as their Eternal Mother, The New Eve, Our Lady, Mother Mary. Changed is Eve’s name. We are born again to the sinless virgin in Her Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ. 

How is Mary the New Eve?

Adapted from Mary Foreshadowed.

First “Mary is the New Eve from whom the second Adam was born.”

Second Eve’s “No” brings sin, Mary’s “Yes” brings Salvation

Third, Mary and Eve were both created in innocence and holiness. Mary’s holiness could not be tarnished!

Fourth, God says “I will put enmities between thee and the woman, and thy seed and her seed: she shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel.” Genesis 3:15. Even after Eve’s conversion sin remained. With all of mankind as her children, and many of them working against God’s Will, Mary is the one who is spoken of here. Mary’s victory over the devil is perfect, since she is without the stain of sin.

All in all, “Eve” means Mother of the Living, but she does not live up to this title when she brings death unto her children through sin. Mary is the Mother of the Living. You must be connected to Her Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ to gain eternal life . Mary in Our Mother as given to us by Our Lord while He hung from the cross. In the Salve Regina, and we sing *Hail, our Life, our Sweetness, and our Hope !’ In the Exodus story the daughter of Fharao adopted Moses, Mary adopts all the Faithful as her own children whom she will intercede for.

You can get a free printable for these points on Mary as the New Eve Marian Typology here.

Extension Actives for teaching about Mary as the New Eve Marian Typology:

  • Find artwork that portrays Mary as the New Eve specifically.
  • Look for artwork of the Blessed Mother that shows symbolism pointing to Mary as the New Eve (ex. Mary crushing the head of the serpent, Fra Angelico’s The Annunciation, Annunciation and Expulsion from Paradise, Ghent Altarpiece by Hubert and Jan van Eyck, ect.)
  • Choose three examples of how Mary is the New Eve and write a short essay explaining these points.
  • Create flash cards with Eve’s quality on one side and Mary’s quality on the other. (ex. Eve was

disobedient, Mary was perfectly obedient)

  • Read through Genesis and Exodus looking for the types for Mary.
  • Respectfully create your own artwork with Mary as the New Eve as the subject incorporating some or

all of the symbols reviewed.

Catholic Illustration of Mary as the New Eve – Marian Typology Collection

Mary as the New Eve in Marian Typology is the first piece of this newest art collection. All throughout this work, symbolism is present! I have tried to include details that will resonate with adults and children alike, in a light hearted, soft, and vintage style, that shows the connection between Mary and Eve.

Learn more about the symbolism and story for this catholic illustration depicting the first type for Mary by clicking here!

If you would like to join me as I learn more about Marian Typology, and draw inspiration from these beautiful truths of Our Faith, I highly recommend reading Mary Foreshadowed. Let’s continue exploring all of the types for Mary in the Old Testament! I would appreciate if you can also join my e-mail list. Then each Marian Type post and other Catholic Illustrator’s content will come to your inbox. I can’t wait for the next Marian Type, and hope that this work honors God and His Blessed Mother.

Thank you so much for reading, and I would love to hear from you in the comments or by e-mail! Please remember to pray for Rev. Father Thaddeus, and all Christians!

In Christ,


Hello 🙂

I do not like social media but I love creating art for the Glory of God.

Artes et Artificum; Free Catholic Homeschool/Classroom Art Resources and Marian Typology Printables. I am a wife and mom who uploads Catholic art related content to this website for fun for homeschoolers and educators.

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