Draw a simple crown of thorns, step by step, and learn about this holy symbol of Lent!

Draw a crown of thorns with text

This crown of thorns is easy to draw if we look at how to layer our lines to create our jagged, thorny, crown! There is order in that seemingly disordered mess of sticks!

The Symbolism of the Crown of Thorns

Ouch is an understatement. This crown is physically and emotionally painful. Jesus IS the King of Kings, there is no one, and will never be anyone or thing higher than Him! Yet the Bible tells us the soldiers mocked him, putting a crown of thorns on His Head.

They made fun of Him an said “Hail King of the Jews” as He remained silent. When someone has the wrong idea about me how badly I want to correct them. How I want them to know the truth about me, to understand me. I want to explain myself. Our Lord didn’t correct the soldiers. He didn’t stop them, he humbled himself. He knew in God’s perfect time the Truth would be revealed that He is the King of All.

The thorns were large, sharp, and forcefully placed on Our Lord. What torture! Even more, He was treated this way from those He loved, those He came to help, those He came to save. When we pray the Sorrowful Mysteries and meditate on the Crowning with Thorns, we pray for moral courage. You can download my free e-book on the Sorrowful Mysteries, A Scriptural Rosary, here.

The Crown of Thorns symbolizes suffering in love. It symbolizes humility. The Crown of Thorns shows us that God has taken sin upon himself, though He is perfect. He freely chooses to suffer so that we may be welcomed into the Heavenly Kingdom.

How to Draw A Crown of Thorns


  • pencil with eraser
  • paper

Let’s Start!

Start by drawing two curved lines. One slight smile and one slight frown! They should not be perfect!

Next add a wavy line on both curves.

Then you are going to add another wavy or jagged line on both curve’s, in the opposite direction of the ones that are already in place.

Now the woven base of the crown is complete, time to start adding in some bulk to full it out! Continue along the same pattern on the top and the bottom of the crown, but try get the peaks of the new waves you are drawing to appear in between the peaks that are there from the previous line. Repeat with the same jagged motion filling in the empty gaps. I did about 4 layers around the full crown.

Next using short strokes like parentheses ( ) but horizontal, draw around the outside of the crown with each parenthesis interlocking.

Add some lines and x’s throughout to create thorns. varying the thickness, and length of the thorns is encouraged!

Uses for This Drawing

We can draw to practice focus, and attention to detail. I also like to draw while listening to holy music, or audio books and talks. You can use these crowns to color and cut out, or as an activity for your children! Draw these symbols large, cut them out, and sequence the events in the Passion of Jesus.

Chris the King!

No matter what crown the world places on His Holy Face, Christ is King. Check out the market to for some Holy Face Images, to support a great ministry and strengthen your relationship with Christ.

Thanks for coming by, and I hope this post blesses you! Will you try drawing the Crown of Thorns? Let us know in the comments below!

Ave Maris Stella, Ora Pro Nobis

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I do not like social media but I love creating art for the Glory of God.

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