Marian Typology

Marian typology is the study of Mary prefigured or symbolized in the Old Testament of the Bible. Identify types that foreshadow her role in salvation history as the Mother of God in the New Testament. Inspire by the readings of the public domain work Mary Foreshadowed, learn about Our Lady and how she was foretold. Reflecting on Our Blessed Mother, through reading, art, and symbolism, I hope to grow closer to her, and therefore closer to Christ her Son.

Hello there, I´m Jenny

Owner of the blog and market Eva to Ave INC! I am so happy you are here. Catholic wife and mother, I love all things relating to wife and motherhood, Traditional Catholicism, and classical education. I love to draw, sew, bake, cook, create, and I am so excited to share what I can with you.


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